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Friday, August 28, 2009

Humanity is insane......

The story out right now is this guy in Gary who shot his 18 month old daughter then shot himself. How does anyone get to that point? What point does that possibly make? I'm so sick of life being treated with such disdain and carelessness.

You want to feel like the world is out of control. Look at how many DNA test shows are done on Maury Povich. Sometimes, during the day I catch a bit of those shows on my break. It truly makes me think there is something extremely wrong with this world. I often wonder what the percentage of people who want kids watch the show and feel sick to there stomachs that this even has to happen. I know I feel sick....

What's the one thing you will rarely ever see on those shows? A father of the girl that is trying to get a DNA test for her baby. Go ahead, try to find one. Why is that?

One thing I do notice is how everyone is so anxious for their children to grow up these days. The stuff that these kids are wearing today is just absolutely crazy. I'm talking early teens in miniskirts. It's absolutely disgusting. Who lets them out the door like that? Plus all the boys are just trying to be gangster these days.

How does this lead to a guy killing his daughter then shot himself? Who knows. I mean that, who really knows? Maybe this is just something we should not be so surprised at these days? Whether we are who we are by genetics or environment has and will be argued for ages. But, I'm willing to bet that there is someone, just someone out there who is asking themselves... "Where did I go wrong with him?"

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." -Mahatma Gandhi

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