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Monday, August 31, 2009

Get Someone Else To Do It....

It completely amazing me sometimes the things I can do and have done. I mean, I've always been able to do a bunch of different things quite well. Everything in moderation right? Ok, that doesn't make sense, but you know what I mean. Right?

However, I become completely debilitated at the simple thought of putting clothes together to buy to wear to go out just to spill beer on. REALLY! I swear I've stayed home a few times because I have not been able to make a decision on what I can put on my body that won't make me look like a two toothed drunken Scottsman at a soccer game.

I can explain to you how to fly an airplane along with how the aerodynamics of it all happens. I can explain to you how spherical trigonometry works in the Flight Management System of Boeing 767 to get you and your 2 1/2 children to that fun filled vacation at Emptyyourwalletland. But I can't for the life of me pick out a decent pair of jeans to buy from the selection of 30 different types of washes, fits, and snugs. Stone, acid, pumice, or Pre Historic?

And shoes! SHOES? I just went out and bought a new pair of shoes. I said new. I came home, to realize I bought the EXACT same shoes I already had from two years ago! EXACTLY.

How did I miss this gene? The one that allows me to coherently match two pieces of clothing without crawling in to a corner assuming the fetal position. I keep telling myself that I'm a guy and it's ok. But still, just a hint of style? blah.

I've decided to just allow mannequins to dress me. They seem to know what they are doing....

Remember, don't sweat the small stuff and all that Jazz....


"Do not conceive that fine clothes make fine men, any more than fine feathers make fine birds. A plain, genteel dress is more admired, obtains more credit in the eyes of the judicious and sensible." -George Washington

1 comment:

  1. Blaze, seriously, call my brother Ryan, he can help you with outfits...the fashion gene definately landed on him.
