I could change. I could be a different person. I could not care so much about things that matter to me. I could go through everyday just with the memory of a goldfish. I could be someone who takes things less seriously. I could listen to all the opinions of me from so called friends and act the way they want me to. I could go out and party every night and not think twice about responsibilities. I could forget about all things important to my health and not exercise so that I completely let myself go. Be fat, dumb, and happy.
I could force myself to not think of my future and let what happens happen. I could forget about pain and disappointments throughout my life. I could probably learn not to hold grudges and let people walk all over me. I could treat other people with no thoughts of how that would make them feel. I could be cold and never show how I really feel. I could stop keeping things bottled up inside until they tear me up. I could turn off my emotions of anger, sadness, love, joy, disgust, anticipation, and happiness like the flip of a light switch. I could take a path with my photography that would make me become someone I am not.
Some of these things I simply wish I COULD do. Others, I simply choose NOT to. Because, that simply wouldn't be me.
You can judge me, you can try to tear me down, you can try to turn others against me, you can make me out to be the bad guy, you can hate me, you can make me out to be crazy, you can criticize my physical and mental misgivings, you can try to drive me to the brink..... but...
In the end, I'm not going anywhere, because I've been through it all and I'm still standing...... I'm here and all I want is to be happy. That's it, no fighting, no drama, no war of words, no back stabbing, no competition for the worlds attention, and no keeping score. Life is a zero sum game.
However long it lasts, I will always know I've given everything my heart and soul can possible endure. If that's not good enough for some people then so be it. I'm not here for them, I'm here for me. Peace.
"About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all." -Rita Mae Brown
Northwest Indiana Photographer Steve Blazevich. In an effort to create a larger social footprint for my photography business, I've decided to reinstate my blog. I do hope to cover a lot of photography type stuff. As well as other things that happen along the way.
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Monday, August 31, 2009
Get Someone Else To Do It....
It completely amazing me sometimes the things I can do and have done. I mean, I've always been able to do a bunch of different things quite well. Everything in moderation right? Ok, that doesn't make sense, but you know what I mean. Right?
However, I become completely debilitated at the simple thought of putting clothes together to buy to wear to go out just to spill beer on. REALLY! I swear I've stayed home a few times because I have not been able to make a decision on what I can put on my body that won't make me look like a two toothed drunken Scottsman at a soccer game.
I can explain to you how to fly an airplane along with how the aerodynamics of it all happens. I can explain to you how spherical trigonometry works in the Flight Management System of Boeing 767 to get you and your 2 1/2 children to that fun filled vacation at Emptyyourwalletland. But I can't for the life of me pick out a decent pair of jeans to buy from the selection of 30 different types of washes, fits, and snugs. Stone, acid, pumice, or Pre Historic?
And shoes! SHOES? I just went out and bought a new pair of shoes. I said new. I came home, to realize I bought the EXACT same shoes I already had from two years ago! EXACTLY.
How did I miss this gene? The one that allows me to coherently match two pieces of clothing without crawling in to a corner assuming the fetal position. I keep telling myself that I'm a guy and it's ok. But still, just a hint of style? blah.
I've decided to just allow mannequins to dress me. They seem to know what they are doing....
Remember, don't sweat the small stuff and all that Jazz....
"Do not conceive that fine clothes make fine men, any more than fine feathers make fine birds. A plain, genteel dress is more admired, obtains more credit in the eyes of the judicious and sensible." -George Washington
However, I become completely debilitated at the simple thought of putting clothes together to buy to wear to go out just to spill beer on. REALLY! I swear I've stayed home a few times because I have not been able to make a decision on what I can put on my body that won't make me look like a two toothed drunken Scottsman at a soccer game.
I can explain to you how to fly an airplane along with how the aerodynamics of it all happens. I can explain to you how spherical trigonometry works in the Flight Management System of Boeing 767 to get you and your 2 1/2 children to that fun filled vacation at Emptyyourwalletland. But I can't for the life of me pick out a decent pair of jeans to buy from the selection of 30 different types of washes, fits, and snugs. Stone, acid, pumice, or Pre Historic?
And shoes! SHOES? I just went out and bought a new pair of shoes. I said new. I came home, to realize I bought the EXACT same shoes I already had from two years ago! EXACTLY.
How did I miss this gene? The one that allows me to coherently match two pieces of clothing without crawling in to a corner assuming the fetal position. I keep telling myself that I'm a guy and it's ok. But still, just a hint of style? blah.
I've decided to just allow mannequins to dress me. They seem to know what they are doing....
Remember, don't sweat the small stuff and all that Jazz....
"Do not conceive that fine clothes make fine men, any more than fine feathers make fine birds. A plain, genteel dress is more admired, obtains more credit in the eyes of the judicious and sensible." -George Washington
Friday, August 28, 2009
Humanity is insane......
The story out right now is this guy in Gary who shot his 18 month old daughter then shot himself. How does anyone get to that point? What point does that possibly make? I'm so sick of life being treated with such disdain and carelessness.
You want to feel like the world is out of control. Look at how many DNA test shows are done on Maury Povich. Sometimes, during the day I catch a bit of those shows on my break. It truly makes me think there is something extremely wrong with this world. I often wonder what the percentage of people who want kids watch the show and feel sick to there stomachs that this even has to happen. I know I feel sick....
What's the one thing you will rarely ever see on those shows? A father of the girl that is trying to get a DNA test for her baby. Go ahead, try to find one. Why is that?
One thing I do notice is how everyone is so anxious for their children to grow up these days. The stuff that these kids are wearing today is just absolutely crazy. I'm talking early teens in miniskirts. It's absolutely disgusting. Who lets them out the door like that? Plus all the boys are just trying to be gangster these days.
How does this lead to a guy killing his daughter then shot himself? Who knows. I mean that, who really knows? Maybe this is just something we should not be so surprised at these days? Whether we are who we are by genetics or environment has and will be argued for ages. But, I'm willing to bet that there is someone, just someone out there who is asking themselves... "Where did I go wrong with him?"
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." -Mahatma Gandhi
You want to feel like the world is out of control. Look at how many DNA test shows are done on Maury Povich. Sometimes, during the day I catch a bit of those shows on my break. It truly makes me think there is something extremely wrong with this world. I often wonder what the percentage of people who want kids watch the show and feel sick to there stomachs that this even has to happen. I know I feel sick....
What's the one thing you will rarely ever see on those shows? A father of the girl that is trying to get a DNA test for her baby. Go ahead, try to find one. Why is that?
One thing I do notice is how everyone is so anxious for their children to grow up these days. The stuff that these kids are wearing today is just absolutely crazy. I'm talking early teens in miniskirts. It's absolutely disgusting. Who lets them out the door like that? Plus all the boys are just trying to be gangster these days.
How does this lead to a guy killing his daughter then shot himself? Who knows. I mean that, who really knows? Maybe this is just something we should not be so surprised at these days? Whether we are who we are by genetics or environment has and will be argued for ages. But, I'm willing to bet that there is someone, just someone out there who is asking themselves... "Where did I go wrong with him?"
"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." -Mahatma Gandhi
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Nothing can end if it never started.....
I'm of course talking about summer. I can sit here and bitch about how bad the weather was this summer but I'm not going to. Well, maybe for a second. I mean COME ON!?!? After a long winter, I had high hopes for a great summer. Nice, consistent weather that I could get out and shoot in. That didn't happen until like the first week in July. JULY! So no, I really don't think we had a summer. Let's move on to what I did.
To say I had big plans was an understatement. Of course, most of what I had plans for was to shoot outside. I was scheduling left and right just to get the ball rolling. If it wasn't for the clients being not able to make it, the weather would step up on the day of the scheduled shoot and crap on my parade. After scheduling so many times in June I became discouraged and quiet disappointed.
I did
do a promo shoot for History's End in early June. It was great because not only did I get to try something
new I got a good profile photo of myself as a bonus. I knew I'd have to try the whole green screen process and decided to test out the lighting effect they were after ahead of time. So I simply used myself. It turned out quite well. I was pretty pleased at how it turned out and I learned a few things. Always try something new out before you go and do it for someone who's paying you. lol I had to unfortunately sit on those History's End photos until later in the summer. I wanted to put them up so bad because I was happy the way they turned out. But there was a good reason not to that I agreed with.

I also did a gig for a benefit for a friend who was senselessly taken away from us this past spring. That made me
feel good. That was right at the end of June. I got to see a lot of old friends I had not seen in a very long time. It was just too bad that we had to see each other in those conditions. I must say, it was one of the most well supported and planned benefits I have ever seen in my life. The turnout was unbelievable and is a testament to the impression Jason left with everyone.

I did get out to take some slow shutter photos at night while I had that lens. I've always wanted to do that, and it seemed like a perfect opportunity to try it out. I kept telling myself to just get out and shoot it. Seemed strange
going out at night to be out in the open with a tripod but that's what I needed to do. First I had thought about going on the railroad tracks above US30 in Schererville. I've always looked at that as being a perfect spot because of the all the traffic merging underneath the bridge. But, after driving around looking for a place to park and peering down a PITCH black track walk. I passed. Headed to the Home Depot bridge and got some decent shots of cars flying by me. I tried not to think about all the drunks out heading south from Jalapeno's as I've done many times myself. Just leaned the camera as far as I could in to the oncoming traffic constantly picturing in my head a car tagging the first expensive lens I've ever rented and shooting it down the road in a shattered mess. Screw it, I paid for the insurance..... oh yeah, um, the focusing motor must of exploded.... what tire tracks? lol

I timed the rental period so that I would still have the lens during the 4th of July weekend. So my decision was to
go to Munster's Fireworks. WHAT A MISTAKE. I know it was their first time a

t the new park but come on. The traffic was a complete nightmare leaving. I got there early and got a good spot with my tripod and of course, didn't bring a sweatshirt. 4th of July? It's summer right? nope. Froze my ass off. AND to top it off, the fireworks were late. I mean, the orchestra took like a half hour break? No one has a stop watch??? I did get some pretty cool shots I was very happy with. I pretty much just kept hitting the shutter release constantly and really didn't get to actually relax and see the show. I was constantly changing settings figuring the more I get the better chance I have of getting a great shot. Learned a few things that night. But the worst was of course the time leaving. I was stuck in a parking lot for like 25 minutes not moving at all. Was it worth it? Meh, maybe for the shots I got.
Speaking of 4th of July. It was nice to celebrate the actual 4th of July at my friends Steve and Tara's house. They had a great group of people and I had a blast. Of course it rained but it eventually cleared up. I drank WAY too much and danced WAY too much. It was right after MJ died and that's all I remember hearing. Say what you will, but the guy was a talented song writer. Woke up in the morning at their house, not even knowing where I was. Plus, come outside to find my car covered in exploded shell fragments. Which, I of course, found absolutely hilarious. lol
I also got to shoot Mark Smith's last show with Historys End. What a
wild night that was. Filled with memories and blasts from the past. Sad, but probably one of the best parties and best performances of the band ever. Everything just went so well. I believe I took over 800 photos! That is definitely a record for me. Took me a long time to go through them but I was very pleased with how they turned out. The crowd was absolutely enormous and crazy. It was difficult to get through them but I managed with throwing a few key elbows. It was VERY hot, so I anticipated this issue of dehydration by drinking about 6 beers in the hour prior to the band starting. Oh don't give me that "alchohol dehydrates you stupid". Just laugh. lol

Somewhere along the way I finally got Fender's pass to the Munster Centenniel Dog Park. It's really cool and
quite large. I think 3 acres? They have little doggie water fountains for them and everything. Fender for the most part is pretty good there. There is an issue with him catching up with some smaller dogs and then wanting to play with them a little too rough. But I'm trying to get him to stop that. It may just take some time to get used to all the other dogs. He is always friendly with the people around but he just doesn't know when to stop with his buddies sometimes.
Just recently I finally got back up in the air. It was such a good feeling. Brought a lot of memories back. I did quite well considering it had been 5 years since I had
last flown. Landing was pretty good actually. It was also nice to see a few familiar faces around the airport. That's what flying is all about. The stories from the old timers, the smell of 100LL, and the tales of what everyone did that almost killed themselves once... lol Unfortunately, the day was pretty hazy when I went up. But I did't care. It felt so good to be at the controls again. It really did feel like riding a bike. Things you do early on in life over and over again get ingrained in to you. It becomes who you are. It becomes natural. I am looking forward to flying more often. = )

Finally, I did get a chance to see my friends from Chicago. It turned out to be a great night. I haven't had that
much fun in a long time. Long day, didn't plan on staying there for the party at night but ended up staying for it anyway. I'm glad I did. = ) It's strange to think that at those times when you're with friends you have known for a long time you can completely feel like yourself. Most people never see that side of me. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't always come out.
So that is pretty much my whole summer. I really thought I didn't do anything. But I guess I did. I learned a few things which isn't always bad. Got back in to flying. Saw some old friends. Worked WAY too much. But all in all, probably not that bad of a summer after all. I look forward to the fall now and all that it will bring. Bring on college football. I have to admit, fall is kinda nice temperature wise. So that's it. Yes, this particular blog was WAY too long. But I kind of had a lot of catching up to do. I have felt like blogging more often and maybe I will. So I hope to see some of you real soon again. = )
Remember, don't sweat the small stuff and all that jazz.....
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