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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not required to wiretap our own users

Lavabit’s appeal: We’re actually not required to wiretap our own users:

I think THIS is what we all need to be fighting to prevent. The NSA is operating with NO oversight while the FBI is trying to illegally obtain private messages of innocent people who don’t even pertain to, nor could contribute to the case. Thankfully GoDaddy revoked Lavabits security certificate at least. Here is an important portion of Lavabit’s appeal brief from the article from arstechnica.

"What the government seized from Lavabit, however, was not information about its target or the target’s crimes, but information about Lavabit. If the Fourth Amendment permits the government to seize information that is not the fruit, instrumentality, or evidence of a crime, but that would simply be useful in apprehending the suspect, there is no practical limit on the government’s gaze. It could demand the production of all manner of innocent information from all types of innocent people—no matter how intrusive or burdensome—so long as that information might plausibly assist in its investigation. (Perhaps the government could demand to read the diaries of a suspect’s friends, to learn what he was up to on certain days.) The government’s warrant was therefore invalid as unsupported by probable cause, and Lavabit should not have been held in contempt for disobeying it."

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