I've never had a problem drinking. Alcohol and I have a long history. We
always seemed to get along and we have had countless forgotten memories
I'm sure. Constantly asking what the other did the night before. I
rarely drink alone. I don't like being hungover. Drinking during the
week has never been anything much more than a sorted fling from time to
time. I can count on one hand the amount of instances I thought I truly
needed to quit drinking. Sure there were always the countless regretful
hungover pledges to cease from here to eternity all inebriant potions. But who really sticks to those promises anyway?
No, this time was different. I think it was a feeling of loss of focus that I never felt before. A feeling of being off track. It all culminated one night with a feeling of completely being off my game I've never felt before. Where I had long gone past the top of the bell curve where amount of alcohol consumed is at the peak of having a kick ass time. I was on the other side, the down-slide, where the continued consumption leads to a deteriorating sense of being yourself and increasing feeling of just being an ass. So the next day I made a promise to myself to make a conscious effort at doing away with drinking for awhile.
Now, 31 sober days later, I finally feel myself getting back to the determined purpose I lost sight of for a bit this past fall. A feeling at being entirely back in control. Perhaps this is just what was needed. A break, a vacation from that life. I will never correlate the fact that I've been doing very well with a lot of things in my life lately with the fact I have not been drinking. I don't believe lack of one day a week night out with drinks could really have that great of an impact. But I'm sure feeling great and things couldn't be much better personally and in my business.
Now I am not saying I will never have another drink again. I'm only human and I do like to have a good time with a cold beer. I'm not stupid and God willing I will have a long and plentiful life. But, for now, I am enjoying the brief, productive, and head clearing break from my old friend Boozie McBoozerson....
"I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there." ~Charles Bukowski
No, this time was different. I think it was a feeling of loss of focus that I never felt before. A feeling of being off track. It all culminated one night with a feeling of completely being off my game I've never felt before. Where I had long gone past the top of the bell curve where amount of alcohol consumed is at the peak of having a kick ass time. I was on the other side, the down-slide, where the continued consumption leads to a deteriorating sense of being yourself and increasing feeling of just being an ass. So the next day I made a promise to myself to make a conscious effort at doing away with drinking for awhile.
Now, 31 sober days later, I finally feel myself getting back to the determined purpose I lost sight of for a bit this past fall. A feeling at being entirely back in control. Perhaps this is just what was needed. A break, a vacation from that life. I will never correlate the fact that I've been doing very well with a lot of things in my life lately with the fact I have not been drinking. I don't believe lack of one day a week night out with drinks could really have that great of an impact. But I'm sure feeling great and things couldn't be much better personally and in my business.
Now I am not saying I will never have another drink again. I'm only human and I do like to have a good time with a cold beer. I'm not stupid and God willing I will have a long and plentiful life. But, for now, I am enjoying the brief, productive, and head clearing break from my old friend Boozie McBoozerson....
"I don't like jail, they got the wrong kind of bars in there." ~Charles Bukowski